Pricing and availability are different for each ship.

Systems are sized small, medium, large, and capital. Your power supply is responsible for keeping everything running. Your coolers are responsible for keeping your ship working at speed and hidden from the enemy. There are shields that contain more health overall but recharge more slowly, and shields that do not contain as much health but recharge quickly. Your shields are your first line of defense against enemy fire. Systems consist of your shields, coolers, and power plants. Weapon mounts are also sized from size 1 to size 5 in-game currently, and can be either fixed or gimbaled mounts. Ship weapons are split into 3 groups: ballistic weapons which primarily damage the ship hull, energy weapons which primarily damage shields, and distortion weapons which primarily damage shields and components in the ship. In this guide, we will look at the bigger picture when determining the combative value of each ship. Because of this, every little detail of a ship factors into how well it will perform at whatever role you want to give it. Ships in Star Citizen are built from the ground up with specific roles in mind. The Bengal-class carrier (right) is so large that it makes even the Idris-class Frigate (left) at 242 meters look small. It can be almost frustrating how detailed the ships are. Every ship in Star Citizen is controllable by the players, save for 1 or 2, and thus are modeled both inside and out. These ships can be small 10-meter snub fighters, attached to the outer hull of larger ships, or full 1/2 kilometer destroyer class vessels with crew sizes of over 50 players. In a game with over 100 unique ships, there are bound to be a couple dozen combat-focused ships. Find out which ship in Star Citizen is best for your style of combat.Ĭombat is a large part of most MMOs, and an even larger part of a spaceship-driven, multi-system, pirate-riddled, first-person, space-sim like Star Citizen.